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Kenosha, WI
Mission Church in Ventura California just completed phase one of an adaptive-reuse of an old warehouse. At the time we first met with Mission they were a solid 5 years old going on 6. They met in a movie theater and their lease was not being extended. We quickly learned they had put an offer on buying that old warehouse which to their surprise had been accepted and were frantically struggling through a design and permit process.
Mission church is continuing to share God’s word and witness God's transforming love in the their community. To date the community has had the honor of baptizing 600 people and 100 of which in this new season. Each number is important to us because each number is a story. This is a church that God has anointed to engage that culture in new and meaningful ways, albeit this is just the beginning of their story, it is an encouragement to me of how God is, has and we believe will continue to be faithful.
While our team is actively apart of our own church communities, we love that we get to partner with other ministries and learn many smart simple solutions that accelerate their teams to share the Gospel.
CLS Mezzanine

project team
Risepointe /// Architect of Record
MSI Construction /// Contractor
Houseright /// AVLA Design
project info
28,319 S.F.
750 seats
Adaptive Reuse, Structural Retrofit, Elevator, Multi-Floor Solutions, Relocation, Life Safety Upgrades, Multi-Use, Community Space

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